Manage PCOS successfully while enjoying the foods you love!


I'm ready. Let's go!

You CAN manage PCOS successfully and eat the foods you love. 

The only question is-are you ready?


I'm ready. Let's do this!

Does This Sound Familiar?

  • You're doing everything "right" (e.g. working out & eating healthy) but still can't lose weight.

  • You've tried Whole30 (many times), Paleo and Keto, saw some results but quickly realized avoiding entire food groups is highly unsustainable.

  • You wake up tired and have low to no energy all day.

  • Your doctor told you this was “normal” and to “just eat a little less,” aka, you’re being gaslit...

  • You obsess about food & feel stressed when you need to make meals


If you’re nodding your head and saying: Yes,  this is me! then here’s some good news. 

You’re in the right place.


By The End of The Master Your Meals Course, you will have...

Learned exactly what to eat to reverse PCOS symptoms like weight gain, fatigue, cravings and irregular cycles

Developed a realistic, easy-to-follow nutrition plan that keeps you consistent & motivated even when life gets busy!

Mastered meal planning, prepping & grocery shopping for PCOS plus set up your kitchen for  success!

Identified a rotation of healthy meals and snacks that includes your favorites foods!

Crafted a doable plan for eating out and navigating weekends without being thrown off...

Gained complete  control of your eating habits and felt fully confident of your food choices

Hey there, I’m Dafna

Dietitian, PCOS Expert, Self-Proclaimed Foodie

I started losing my hair, developing acne, struggling with digestive issues and gaining weight in my 20s. So, while I don't have PCOS, I've experienced many of the symptoms.  Doctors told me not to worry - this was “normal” for young women. Then they prescribed the birth control pill. I’m not a fan of drugs, but I was desperate and took them for years. My symptoms improved somewhat, but once I came off the pill (since it impacted my mental health), they returned with a vengeance. 

As a dietitian, I knew food could offer relief for me, so I experimented on myself until I finally found the right routine for my body. While paying attention to my food, sleep,  stress levels, and exercise, I created a framework for my meals that worked. My hair grew back, my skin cleared up, and I lost weight, but more importantly, with my new routine, I regained control of my life.

I've been teaching women with PCOS to do the same for over a decade. And now I’m sharing this proven method with you. 

It’s time for women with PCOS to be given the right tools and resources to heal their body and win back a sense of normalcy. It’s time to ditch the quick fixes, self-sabotage and endless dieting. Nutrition is the prescription for PCOS and I'm ready to share it all with you.

👉 Yes! I'm Ready 👈

Hey there, I’m Dafna

Dietitian, PCOS Expert,

Self-Proclaimed Foodie

I started losing my hair, developing acne, struggling with digestive issues and gaining weight in my 20s. So, while I don't have PCOS, I've experienced many of the symptoms.  Doctors told me not to worry - this was “normal” for young women. Then they prescribed the birth control pill. I’m not a fan of drugs, but I was desperate and took them for years. My symptoms improved somewhat, but once I came off the pill (since it impacted my mental health), they returned with a vengeance. 

As a dietitian, I knew food could offer relief for me, so I experimented on myself until I finally found the right routine for my body. While paying attention to my food, sleep,  stress levels, and exercise, I created a framework for my meals that worked. My hair grew back, my skin cleared up, and I lost weight, but more importantly, with my new routine, I regained control of my life.

I've been teaching women with PCOS to do the same for over a decade. And now I’m sharing this proven method with you. 

It’s time for women with PCOS to be given the right tools and resources to heal their body and win back a sense of normalcy. It’s time to ditch the quick fixes, self-sabotage and endless dieting. Nutrition is the prescription for PCOS and I'm ready to share it all with you.

👉 Yes! I'm Ready 👈

 Here's what you'll learn inside The Master your Meals Course:

▪️ Module 1: Master Grocery Shopping For PCOS

Let’s talk about the exact foods you need to buy in order to treat PCOS. We’ll map out your grocery store visit aisle by aisle. I’ll share my master grocery list, freezer & pantry staples as well as time-saving meal prep shortcut to stock up on. 

▪️ Module 2: Prioritizing Protein & Produce

Let’s get into the foundation of your PCOS plate. In this module, we’ll talk about how to include protein and produce in your meals, what types are best for your body and how to make sure you're eating the right amount without weighing or measuring anything!

▪️ Module 3: Increasing Carb Confidence

Now that you’re stocked and ready to go, I’m going to show you how to include carbs in your breakfasts, lunches and dinners with confidence! Plus, I'm sharing tons of meal ideas and recipes to keep you excited about your meals. From a taco breakfast skillet and my famous berry french toast bake to garlicky broccoli pasta and honey sesame shrimp, I’ve got you covered with endless delicious options.

▪️ Module 4: Meal Prep Like A Pro

In this module, we’ll plan your food for an entire week without sacrificing an entire Sunday afternoon! Yep, no more standing in front of an open fridge, stressing over dinner on a Tuesday night. I've got all the meal prep tips and tricks you need including my proven guide to batch-cooking and 12 life-saving recipes with minimal prep–you’ll be so surprised how quickly you can prepare them, you’ll be asking, “That’s it?!?”

▪️ Module 5: Dining Out & Managing Weekends

Elimination diets and restrictive eating are so 2019. Let’s go out to dinner tonight! Your final module is all about takeout, dining out, and happy hour. Your new lifestyle not only allows you to step back into your favorite restaurants with your favorite people, but it also encourages you to! I’ll share my ultimate guide to dining out, what to do on the weekends, and how to have a cocktail or two if you want–all without throwing your PCOS into a tailspin.


Here's everything that's included in
The Master Your Meals Course:


◽️ 5 value-packed modules including bite-sized video lessons & downloadable resources such as grocery lists, my recipes, meal planning guide, snack ideas, done-for-you meal plans and more!

◽️ Access to my PCOS recipe library with dozens of delicious, easy-to-prep meal ideas. Find endless options for breakfast, lunch, dinner or snack!


Select Your Payment Option ⬇︎



Here's What Past Members Have to Say...


I can’t remember the last time I’ve had this much energy. It’s been years! But for the first time in a while, I have a ton of energy. My uncontrollable cravings have disappeared. Migraines, nausea and dizzy spells are gone! And I’m finally losing weight! Since working with Dafna and learning how to eat, I reversed my insulin resistance.



I feel the best I have felt in a very long time. I have more energy, I’m eating more than I ever did and I’m not binge eating from being hungry all the time, I lost weight, I don’t have headaches anymore, I lowered my testosterone levels a considerable amount, my cycles are longer and more regular, the list could go on!


Here's the thing... 


No matter what you’ve heard on social media, in the news, or from your doctor, you have the power to fully treat PCOS, balance your hormones and live a full, symptom-free life


I know because I’ve helped hundreds of women do it over the past decade with my non-diet approach.

When you join me inside The PCOS Food Fix you'll not only understand how to nourish your body, you'll also unlearn the toxic dieting habits that are currently holding you back from feeling like yourself again.

"I feel in control of my body and healthier than ever before!" A.M.

Once you join, you’ll get access to … 

  • Course content including 5 value-packed modules showing you exactly how to to use food & nutrition to feel like your old self again!
  • Video lessons to guide you through discovering your ideal meal schedule, shopping for & planning meals, naturally taming cravings and implementing a nutrition plan that is based on your unique needs and goals. 
  • The  PCOS Recipe Library to inspire you to create easy meals that are as healthy as they are delicious. 
  • The complete PCOS dining out guide and weekend action plan to boost your amazing results and help you create a non-diet PCOS lifestyle with confidence and clarity. 
  • You'll gain lifetime access to a members' area housing these materials.  You will be able to watch lessons, download the materials and review the information as many times as you'd like.  

Let's do this!

How does The Master Your Meals Course compare?


Master Your Meals:

  • Flexible nutrition plan that shows you how to include your favorite foods with confidence!
  • Education and implementation of science-based, lifelong healthy habits specific for PCOS.
  • A robust recipe library with dozens of easy-to-prepare meals and zero specialty ingredients.
  • Easy-to-digest video lessons and tutorials to show you exactly how to fit healthy eating for PCOS into your busy schedule.
  • 10+ years of experience developing and implementing this framework with my clients
  • Hundreds of women who have learned to manage their PCOS symptoms long-term and ditched dieting for good.

Some Others:

  • Complex recipes and fancy ingredients you really don't need.
  • Restriction-based plans, say BYE to most of the things you like to eat.
  • Strict rules and lengthy lists of foods you need to avoid. Totally unsustainable.
  • Void of personalized education or specific recommendations for the unique needs of women with PCOS.
  • Largely untested and unproven and often taught by individuals who are not credentialed by anyone. 
  • Cookie cutter advice for your most pressing questions and issues. 
  • Limited or no support along the way. It's a "go figure it out yourself" kinda program.
  • An express ticket back to SQUARE 1 once it's done.


The Master Your Meals Course works even if...

You've tried every possible diet out there...

Diet don't work for PCOS. Let me show you how to live without restriction and mend your relationship with food.

You're kind of a

picky eater...

There are delicious options inside the program for EVERY palate. I've got a huge variety of recipes & meal ideas (plus swap suggestions). 

You're short on time...

I designed this program to SAVE you time. Let get you to the point when prepping your meals is as intuitive, quick & easy as brushing your teeth.



Before starting the program, I was exhausted and anxious all the time despite supposedly eating well. Now, I have so much more energy, I am less anxious and my cycle is actually regulating for the first time in years! My PCOS symptoms have improved so much. I have also lost weight without giving up any of the foods that I love and I don’t feel deprived at all.


I'M KEEPING THE WEIGHT OFF! I’ve never been able to do this and I finally feel like I’m doing something good for my body! [Also], my period has been back for 3 months now and this is the first time in 3 years my period has been regular. I love feeling like my body is MINE and that I am the one nourishing it and loving it.

Here's everything that's included in
The Master Your Meals:

◽️ 5 value-packed modules including bite-size video lessons & downloadable resources such as grocery lists,  meal planning guide, snack ideas, done-for-you meal plans and more! ($697 Value)
◽️ Access to my PCOS recipe library with dozens of delicious, easy-to-prep meal ideas. Find endless options for breakfast, lunch, dinner or snack! ($397 Value)

Total Value = $1094





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